The EDIBLE Landscape
EDIBLE is mapping opportunities for food production in the Rotsoord area. Can we convert Rotsoord into a culinary workshop, together with amateurs and professionals in the field of food production? Does the industrial area provide fertile grounds for an edible landscape?

Curator: Ester van de Wiel.
What do Rotsoord and Hoograven have to offer? What happens if you make exisiting skills and talents in the neighborhood visible - are cross-pollinations possible? The NETWORKED Landscape - ICI examines and identifies local knowledge and expertise in alphabetical order, to provide a clear insight in the potential of the area. Various projects test this working landscape: Carwash Mecca transforms the local gas station into a crossroads of expertise; the Sheds examine what happens in the neighborhood sheds while asking how these activities can contribute to the autonomy of the community; The Travelling Alphabet demonstrates and celebrates the craftsmanship of makers from the neighborhood by moving through the streets in a parade.

Curator: Sophie Krier
What does Rotsoord wish for? The Help Desk collects supply and demand in a growing archive of answers including a digital library and an exhibition. During the last few months, Rachelle Klaassen and Daniela Dossi have gathered questions from Rotsoord residents, asking about their landscape and its infrastructure. The archive of answers contains existing Dutch and international designs and artworks, divided into 5 categories, that provide a preview on the future working landscape.

Curator: Studio Makkink & Bey
Guest curators: Studio Maarten Kolk & Guus Kusters.

Workshop Rotsoord
From where do we study The New Work Landscape? On Heuveloord 140, in the work place opposite the water tower. On show in the Workshop are exhibitions, films, a digital library and an archive of answers, while theory is transferred in debates and lectures, together providing a constant flow of ideas. This binds new parties to UM 4, feeds the design process and sparks off debate.

The BROADER Landscape
How do you convey the social value of design to politicians and the general public? BROADER (in Dutch: VERDIEPT) complements the physical testing and assessment of the 'New Work Landscape' with theoretical reflection. As a research trajectory it runs parallel to the other projects, while keeping the focus on the center point of the biennale: the relationship between work and landscape.

Concept: Christel Vesters.